Playing Comfortably for a Crowd

Playing Comfortably for a CrowdPlaying Comfortably for a Crowd

Most people are not comfortable performing in front of people. When I say performing, I mean playing an instrument, or singing, or acting, I mean more than just knowing how to do well at your chosen craft, I mean doing it well and in front of people.

It’s the “in front of people” part that gets us every time.

How many of us sing well in the shower but then when people are watching we can’t carry a note? This happens all the time and to most people.

Here are three tips that will help you when you perform in front of a crowd.

  1. Don’t neglect to practice.

Whether you sing, perform in a show or play an instrument, practice is the key to being relaxed. The more familiar you are with what you are performing or playing, the more relaxed you are and the less anxiety you will have about messing up.

  1. Don’t back up.

If you mess up in the middle, or any place in your piece, don’t go back and repeat the offending passage, keep going even repeating the mistake in the next verse. Chances are your audience won’t even notice.

  1. Don’t be critical of your technical skill.

Focus on your overall performance. How does it sound as a whole? If you’re a pianist and you worry during your piece about your fingering, then you’re ignoring the song and how it sounds. Worry about technicalities when you practice.

The more playing in front of and for other people, the easier it will become. Use every opportunity to show your stuff, by playing in front of people whenever you can. A shopping mall is the best place to practice, the people who don’t know you will probably never see you again. You don’t have to busk, just play.


Use these tips to make yourself at ease while playing in front of others. Play in front of people whenever you can.

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